How to make all kinds of gainz and stuff

There is no way set in stone which will help you reach your goals in muscle building. Its usually a good thing to keep consistent with whatever works for you, considering how different people respond differently to different stimulus.

There are few things to keep in mind and consider, namely : Volume, Diet and Recovery.


Most people fail to incorporate enough volume into their training which bottlenecks their growth. Its usually best to have atleast muscle groups being trained atleast twice a week, thrice if you can take it.

Different training program can facilitate huge volume being incorporated into your plan. A basic PPL plan allows you hit every muscle twice a week while the A-B split type routines allows you ti hit them like, thrice a week.

Too much volume can make recovery an issue and fatigue can creep onto your later training sessions, hampering your performance. So it's important to find the sweet spot which will work for you.


Your body cannot grow without food. It requires energy i.e calories to perform the functions required for growth and for recovery. If you aren't eating enough then you wouldn't recover fast enough to get rid of your fatigue in required time and wouldnt be able to get big.

The way how you calculate how much you need to eat is usually by learning how much your TDEE is. Then eat more calories than that. People who bulk usually eat 20%+ calories than their maintainance TDEE. If you are beginner you can gain muscle even while eating at maintainance at a fast rate.

Along with calories, the macronutrients are also an important factor. Protein helps to repair cells and build muscle. Carbohydrate provides the energy to workout and lift the weights so that you can provide the hypertrophic stimulus to your muscles. Fats provide essential acids to your body, which regulate hormones and other workings of your body. They also provide taste to your food, so not consuming them can make you feel bad.

As seen, all the 3 macronutrients are very important to be in your diet. Its generally required to consume protein in grams equivalent to your bodyweight in lbs or almost double your bodyweight in kilos. But that is generally overkill. Consuming protein (5-20)% more than your bodyweight in kilos can be enough as seen by research.

Micronutrients shouldnt be forgotten by you too. Many people get stuck in thinking about macros and calories and hence forget to actually take their micros into consideration. Minerals like Vitamins, Zinc, Iron are very important to keep your body healthy. They can be found in daily foods that we eat, so unless you are on a very weird diet or have some kind of condition, you dont need supplementation.


Sleep for atleast 7 hours. If you miss sleep you are dead period lmao.

That's it ?

Right about yeah. The ways are simple, but the actual work is hard. Go in there and start lifting dem ironz.