I wanna lose fat/weight


You are eating more than you require


Calories in Calories out (CICO)

Eating at a caloric deficit will always make you lose weight. General calorie counting can prove to be enough measure to make you lose weight. This is the basic principle of losing any form of weight (water/muscle/fat).

Counterpoint : Carbohydrate-Insulin Hyposthesis

Carbohydrate restriction can prove to be a superior method of weight control than caloric restriction (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28765272)


Long term diets which can be sustained usually have overarching benefits to physiological conditions (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5639963)

Diets which work

There are too many that does and there are too many that don't. A fair portion of them are anecdotal based making the selection of diets kinda hard for a pleb.

Usually choose any low carb - high fat and protein diet when you are doing light/minimal exercise.

Choose high protein - moderate carbs and fat diet when you are doing heavy exercise like lifting weights almost whole week.

Eat everything and a lot (high protein, carb and fat) when you are doing insanely intense exercise which burn a lots of calories and induce hypertrophy. (Highly unlikely since you a beginner homie :< )


Effectiveness highly depends on your TDEE. If your tdee is very low, chances are you are already at a low body weight and dont need to lose anymore.

Fast only if you wanna fast, dont get forced and shiz. Fasting requires high amounts of discipline.

Choose different forms of fasting like Intermittent fasting, OMAD etc. if you wanna stick to a sustainable lifestyle which includes abstaining from food.

Intermittent fasting is beneficial




I eat so less yet I dont lose weight! HELP!

People are very bad at accurately portraying their eating habits. You are eating MORE!

I feel so hungry all the time!

You are probably eating too less (Fine if fasting). Try consuming more amount of protein.

I lost weight and I lost strength aswell

Very common since with you are losing weight (fat+muscle). Its not possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time unless you are super beginner. Dont get afraid of losing strength, you can gain back lost muscle pretty easily.