The Definitive Guide to getting Fit

Hello and welcome to my fitness blog. You must be here to learn how to get jacked and shredded or maybe to learn how to get big and buffed. If so, then you shouldn't be here. This is not a fitness blog. I repeat this is not a fitness blog, please disperse, you take away nothing but depression from this blog.
Now that the non believers have seemingly fucked off. Lets begin with our vile propaganda for the practice of vanity.

Some FAQs.

Why should I get fit ?

Why shouldn't you get fit?

Modern science and it's following research clearly shows that being physically fit promotes mental fitness by a significant amount. You get an avenue of becoming stronger, faster and smarter, all by achieving one goal.

Some few research supplements :

Why should I workout to get fit ?

Because it is the most sustainable form of practicing physical fitness. Physical strain is shown to be a gateway to be consistent Dopamine release and regular practice can activate new and extra energy pathways in the body.

Ok ya got me. Where do I start?

Great. Beware though, this is not a fitness blog, so dont go around expecting proper information (kek).

Its obvious that you choose some defined goal, trying to focus on multiple things at once is usually not efficient.

More stuff for reading.